During my first VO patrol, I was asked to cover the "Seniors for Seniors Prom" at Hickman High school. Albeit, this is not the kind of story I generally like to cover, but I had a blast doing it. Each year, Hickman students host a prom for senior citizens of Boone County, specifically those involved in the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). It was definitely not a hard-hitting news story, but getting to see these senior citizens "get down" with high school students was priceless. It turned out to be a great story visually, and I got a few smiles from fellow reporters.
I did learn a lot at my first shift. I am hoping I will become more comfortable with the camera with time, and also become a faster editor. But overall, everything went smoothly! Check out my Seniors for Seniors story and video at KOMU.com
In other news, the Chicago Tribune laid of 50 editorial writers. I found a blog by one of the writers who was laid off, Lou Carlozo. He had been covering the recession for the tribune, and his headline of his latest post reads "I am the news today, oh boy: A recession writer gets laid off." It is interesting to think how so many journalists are becoming the news. More and more we hear of layoffs, closures and struggles of those in the industry. This post gives a particularly good insight of someone who is actually in the midst of it all.
Indeed it is a scary thought, to have the possibility of actually being a part of these headlines some day.