BTW: TRLA translated is Totally Random London Adventures. Anywho...below is a compliation of the "Top 25 Things I've learned since my last blog post"...which was nearly a month ago. Epic fail on my part.
But to get on with it...
- The English countryside is beautiful
- People who live in the English countryside are lovely, as well as "church cats"
- Long trips through the beautiful countryside have given my wandering mind time to reevaluate my life plan.
- Drinking wine out of plastic cups and water bottles is perfectly acceptable.
- Hostels can be great, they can also smell like old spaghetti and be managed by people who mirror Igor.
- There is a reason the Beatles didn't return to Liverpool often, to say the least it is no English countryside.
- I love the Beatles more than ever before.
- Being adventurous has its perks, but also hold the potential to become disastrous - cow stampede anyone?
- Having Carla along for these adventures, makes them completely worthwhile regardless of disappointing streams or "public footpaths" that randomly end.
- Charge camera battery BEFORE going off on trips to the English countryside. Thank goodness Carla doensn't copyright her photos - yet.
- ALWAYS have a camera with you.
- It's OK to take a day off from life while in London - lazy days in the park are much needed recovery methods.
- Londoners may think the tube strike is not a big deal - FALSE. Try a 2 hour commute when it usually takes 20 mins. Not fun.
- The student union is an ideal atmosphere for making friends
- Learn French to make certain conversations at the student union easier
- The N97 Bus leaves from stop X and stop S. Useful knowledge when wandering aimlessly at 4 am.
- Riding alone on the N97 Bus listening to locals signing Every Time We Touch, We Will Rock You, and Happy Birthday is priceless.
- Riding alone on the N97 Bus and seeing the sunrise is the sign of a great night.
- Again, ALWAYS have a camera so you can document these rare moments.
- Walking home alone from the N97 Bus stop on Cromwell and watching the sun rise is, for lack of a better word, magical.
- Getting only 3 hours of sleep therefore struggling to stay awake during BLC is TOTALLY worth it.
- There are many great things to help homesickness: Oreo McFlurries, Chinese Food, and O'Neils.
- A visit from my best friend will cure all signs of homesickness when the above fail.
- Time flies while you're having fun travelling through England, watching sunrises and eating ice cream.
- While time is flying because I'm having so much fun, regular blogging shifts to the back burner

I hope this kind of gives you an idea of my life since "Catching Up." If you would like to hear specific details about any of the aforementioned occurrences, feel free to comment here, tweet or facebook me.

P.S. I love life :)
Abby drinking wine out of a plastic cup? Say it ain't so you classy gal.