Five of us from the MLP traveled together. I had never traveled with this group before, but I had a great time with all of them. I feel like we all stood out among the tourists as looking like "Londoners" rather than a group of American students.

- Amazing accommodations
- Amazing views of the city
- Amazing architecture
- Amazing night life
- Amazing company
- Amazingly cheap - outside of the touristy areas, of course
I had been sick prior to leaving London, so I was definitely dragging around Saturday morning. We walked up to the castle and caught some amazing views of the city. We also walked through the cathedral which had some stunning stained glass.
We stopped for lunch at a random alley up in the high part of the city. The five of us decided to each order a unique Czech dish and then sample each others. Most of it was great - but whipped cream and berry sauce on meat was a little questionable.
I ordered chicken (of course) and it was topped with a peach, cheese, and gravy. Yes, a little questionable as well.
We ended up meeting up with a group of MU J students who were studying there for the summer. It was great fun seeing some familiar faces and catching up with their lives abroad.
Sunday I took some advice from a friend who had studied there before and went to the park. It was definitely a hike up the hill toward the "Eiffel Tower 2.0," but totally worth it. I stopped along at the orchards and picked cherries off the trees. Sat and took in the landscape and had a ton of time to clear my mind and my sinuses.
My trail took me back along to civilization where I ran into a lovely little cafe. There were only two people sitting in - who owned it. They fixed me a lovely takeaway lunch for only 35 crown (about 2 dollars). We also chatted about life in Prague and my journeys in London. I ended up going back to the castle and seeing a few more parts that we missed the day before. I also got to see some different views of the city and enjoy some beautiful gardens as well.
Although the trip was amazing, the journey home was not the case. Looking back it seems as though God was telling me to stay another day in Praha. I was so sad to be leaving in the first place, but still made my way to the airport. I arrived a little before 5 for my 7 p.m. flight. Upon checking in, I learned the plane was expected to arrive late. It's OK, I thought. I'll probably only have to wait another hour or so, right? False. 6 hours later I was finally on board my return flight. I also experienced what was quite possibly the roughest take of and landing in my flying history.
I was expecting to be back in central London by 9:30 or so. But I didn't end up getting in to Luton until about 11:30. At this point I knew I wouldn't be catching the tube home, since it closes at midnight. No big deal, I'll catch the bus. But first I had to make it through customs. Yeah, not so fun. It took more than an hour. Luckily I had no problems once it was my turn, and I was headed home. But the journey from the airport to my bus stop took about an hour and a half, then waiting for the ever so unreliable N97 at Hyde park corner took quite some time, too. Though - I hardly had any concept of time since my phone died. (Mom and Dad were probably quite worried at this point). Finally the bus comes - but oh, wait yet another road block. The friends I was traveling with accidentally picked up my oyster card when they left Prague, so I was left to pay for my ticket with change - which I only had 1.55. I needed 2 pounds, the driver had no change for the bills I had. Thankfully, he told me to "keep your 1 pound 55," smiled and I was on my way to Hogwarts road. I don't think I was ever as happy to hike up 6-1/2 flights of stairs to our decrepit flat.
At 3:30 I made the call home to my parents that I was alive. I think they were pretty happy. 11-1/2 hours of travelling for the day? Never again SkyEurope. Never again. No wonder it was so cheap!
I think it took a a week before I finally recovered from my journey. I think I'm getting too old for this stuff! But if you ever get the opportunity, I definitely recommend Czeching out fabulous Praha!!
Abby........I enjoy reading your updates! You took some beautiful pictures!!! The stained glass window is amazing......I hope to meet you at school sometime. Carol Pedersen (Adrienne's Mom)