Thursday, March 18, 2010

A story two months in the making...

So, my HFR runs on KOMU tonight. What's an HFR you may ask? Hm, well technically it means a "hold for release" story - aka, a more in-depth, time consuming piece, which the station can air when they have room for it.

My 4:35 piece of broadcast delight is about shaking babies. And I mean that in the most literal term. It's rather sad - there is a bill making its fourth appearance in the Missouri Legislature called "Karra and Jocelyn's Law." The bill calls for stricter penalties for those convicted of shaking a baby to death, or endangering a child's welfare. The current law classifies the act as a Class C felony, which instigates a maximum seven-year sentence. However, offenders often do not serve that full-term, whetherr because they cut plea bargains or get out on parole. The bill would make it an unclassified felony, and recommend a 20-year sentence for offenders.

I spoke with the families of Karra and Jocelyn, two girls who were less than one-year-old when they were shaken and killed. For those of you who know me, I'm basically a rock when it comes to emotions. But this story definitely shook me up - no pun intended, friends. Both families shared their heart-wrenching stories with me. I just hope I can do them justice in telling it for them.

Needless to say, I'm nervous at this time. In less than four hours, a story that has taken me countless hours, beads of sweat and increased heart rates will air for all of Mid-Missouri to see. And I've packed it all into a 4:35 piece. Here's hoping it goes off without a hitch.

The families say they are so glad these babies will finally have a voice. No pressure, right?

I'll elaborate more on the story and the issues involved in it after it airs. I don't want to give away every detail!

To doing my job well and trying not to panic,

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